Sunday, 16 June 2013

Artspace Field Trip Work Sheet

1. Select two artworks that you believe make an interesting comparison in how they express or suggest ideas about locality. What ideas does each artwork communicate about identity? How are these ideas communicated? Explain why you believe these artworks make an interesting comparison.
       The artworks 'Citizen band' (Angelica Mesiti) and 'Right of way' (Janet Lilo), each
       artwork helps convey mainly the same Idea of cultural identity within different social
       surroundings but communicated in completely different ways. In 'Citizen band' Mesiti
       uses the media of moving image where she capture four separate people in settings
       around Australia where it captures them playing their own cultural music. This is
       completely different to Lilo's work 'Right of way' is composed through photographs in
       which there are over 4000 installed onto the gallery wall where they make up the image
       of her driveway and typically Auckland things like blue tarpaulins and old TV's that you
       would see in the annual inorganics. Both these artworks communicate the idea of
       cultural identity shows an interesting comparison through the different use of media to
       help convey this.

2. The curator of the 5th Auckland Triennial, Hou Hanru, has written, “[i]t has become increasingly evident in today’s globalized world that it is impossible to talk about the question of locality without relating it to globality.” Consider Janet Lilo’s work, Right of way. What elements of the local and the global can you find in her artworks? 
        Within Janet Lilo's 'Right of Way', the artwork shows both elements of local and global
        imagery, like the blue tarpaulins, an icon of the New Zealand outdoor lifestyle in which
        they are used for many different things. Then there is the global imagery of the
        mountains of televisions which this is a global product in which doesn't matter if its new
        or like the ones in the artwork the old retro TVs in which have the box backs to it. The
        image of the TV's stacked upon each other also shows the societies obsession with
        consumerism and wanting more and the new. This is shown effectively through her
Janet Lilo ' Right of Way' 2013



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